The town of Sestola (Modena), the well known ski resort on the Appennini mountains in Emilia Romagna region, will host from the 26th till the 28th of May the 2017 UEC MTB Downhill European Championship. From Pian del Falco - Monte Cimone down to the earth of the cozy town, the redefined track of the Italian Championship 2015 is a good mix between old and new school, with speed, rocks, roots, off cambers, banks & jumps, and a Pippo Marani’s signature section, the track designer (in)famous worldwide.
The European Championship is organized under the supervision of UEC – Union Européenne du Cyclisme by the municipality of Sestola together with the bike park management Bike Center Cimone, with the patronage of Regione Emilia Romagna and the municipalities of Montecreto and Fanano. During the three days there will be collateral events such as an expo area, activities for kids and concerts.
The race is open to all the European athletes of National Teams as well as European athletes with licences issued by a National Federation member of UEC for the following categories:
Junior Men, Junior Women, Elite Men, Elite Women, Master Men (30-34/35-39/40-44/45-49/50-54/55-59/60-64/65-69/70+) and Master Women (30-34/35-39/40-44/45-49/50-54/55-59/60-64/65-69/70+).
Athletes registration: how to race
Every National Federation is allowed to register athletes of the categories Junior Men, Junior Women, Elite Men e Elite Women . The first 6 athletes for each category Federation will benefit of free registration. National Federations shall register the athletes on UEC Cycling website ( , using the registration form. The deadline for the registration of athletes, staff and official delegates is Monday the 17th, at 24:00. The athletes registered by their National Federations will be obbliged to wear for the race the National Team jersey. The checking of the licence, the team jersey and the registration process for the athletes of Junior and Elite categories of the National Teams will take place on Friday the 26th, from 08.00 till 15:00.
The deadline for the registration of all the other athletes – Junior and Elite not belonging to National Teams and Masters – is Monday the 17th, at 24:00. The procedure for registration is on the website of the Organizing Comitee ( . The checking of licences and the registration process will take place on Friday the 26th, from 08.00 till 15:00.
Accomodation, visa and insurance.
Travel and accomodation expenses will be in charge of National Federations. All the athletes and coaches need to own an insurance valid for the Italian territory. Each National Federation is responsible for the documents needed for its delegation. The inquiries for the invitation letter have to be addressed to UEC (
Special accomodation packages are available contacting the official travel agency of the event:
Dragonfly Travel & Web ( / / +39 0536 61372).
Thursday 25th
Palazzetto dello sport / Sestola
15.00 – 19.00 Welcome – Accreditation – Licence checking
Friday 26th
Palazzetto dello Sport / Sestola
08.00 – 15.00 Welcome – Accreditation – Licence checking
15.00 – 17.00 National Teams
Welcome – Accreditation – Licence checking
“Trekwood” track
08.30 – 11.00 track walk
11.00 – 14.00 assisted training Junior and Elite
14.00 – 17.00 assisted training Master
Palazzetto dello Sport / Sestola
17.00 – 17.30 National Team Managers meeting
17.30 – 18.00 Team Managers meeting
Corso Umberto 1° / Sestola
18.00 parade presentation of athletes and teams
Saturday 27th
“Trekwood” track
08.00 chairlift opening
08.30 – 11.00 assisted training Master
11.00 – 13.30 assisted training Junior and Elite
14.00 – 16.00 seeding run Master
16.00 – 18.00 seeding run Junior and Elite
Palazzetto dello Sport / Sestola
18.30 – 19.00 Team Managers meeting
Sunday 28th
Pista “Trekwood”
08.00 chairlift opening
08.30 – 10.30 assisted training Master
10.30 – 12.30 assisted training Junior and Elite
13.00 European Championsip for Master categories
15.00 European Championship for Junior and Elite categories
18.00 Awards Cerimony
The above timetable can be modified accordingly with the Commissaire Panel, the Organizer, the Technical Delegate. The Organizer will promptly inform of any change via daily updates.
For further information
Organization – athletes registration
UEC ( )
Bike Center Cimone ( / / +39 0536.62324 / +39 339.6523405)
DragonFly Travel & Web ( / / +39 0536.61372)
Tourist office – Sestola
IAT Sestola ( / +39 0536.62324)
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